Book Buying Policy
There are numerous exceptions to these rules so if you are in doubt just email or call us for clarification. Inquire about anything else.
1. As a rule we generally buy a wider selection of books and pay more for them than our competitors.
2. We buy used books selectively depending on market conditions of the day. This demand is dictated to an extent by what is reviewed in the Globe and Mail, on CBC , the New York times book lists, what is currently on television or playing at the movies or prevalent in other popular culture and media at any given time. We also buy what are considered classics and perennial favorites that have withstood the test of time in the book world.
3. The prices we pay are commiserate with the above factors. We try and pay a reasonable price for books as we understand that people have originally paid good money for their books and deserve consideration for their product. That said we try and buy as many books as possible and take as wide a chance as possible on books when buying them. It is a hit and miss business and by taking this chance we buy a lot of product that we end up throwing out at the end of the day. We discard approximately 100 boxes of books annually at a 100% write off. We also sell a lot of product. It is on this basis that we gauge the price we offer for books and try and come up with a median price which reflects the value of the sellers books and our our necessary need to make a sufficient profit to stay in business. It is a very inexact science and we do our best to weigh both sides of the coin. The reality of the situation is there is no great money to be made in either selling or buying used books and if top dollar is your goal in selling your books you should attempt to do so privately or online through an auction house.
4. If a book is considered rare we try and pay a commiserate price in relation its rarity and demand. Remember this is P.E. I. and what we pay for and sell books for is reflected in that fact.
5. Trading books is part of our business. Any book you bring in will have a trade value placed on it and you will be given that credit on other books. Generally there is no restriction on what books you can take in trade. We do however only give credit for paperback fiction if that is what you are bringing in to us.
6. After 7 days any books left in the store and not picked up by the customer become the property of the store and we have a right to discard them at our discretion. We do this not so we can get your books for nothing but to keep our store a neat as possible. There are a great number of persons who drop books off at the store and never return for them for weeks , months, or not at all. If we do not have a discard policy in place we have been and would continue to be overwhelmed by the general publics discarded books. This policy places the onus on the owner of the books to be responsible for them or lose them.
7. You cannot leave any books we do not buy at the store. We do not have garbage pickup by the city like a homeowner does. We do try and buy anything we remotely think we an sell and give the customer some value for it.
We thank you for your business and try and do the right thing by our customers.
Thank you for your patronage at The Bookman, Charles M Mills, Prop.
There are numerous exceptions to these rules so if you are in doubt just email or call us for clarification. Inquire about anything else.
1. As a rule we generally buy a wider selection of books and pay more for them than our competitors.
2. We buy used books selectively depending on market conditions of the day. This demand is dictated to an extent by what is reviewed in the Globe and Mail, on CBC , the New York times book lists, what is currently on television or playing at the movies or prevalent in other popular culture and media at any given time. We also buy what are considered classics and perennial favorites that have withstood the test of time in the book world.
3. The prices we pay are commiserate with the above factors. We try and pay a reasonable price for books as we understand that people have originally paid good money for their books and deserve consideration for their product. That said we try and buy as many books as possible and take as wide a chance as possible on books when buying them. It is a hit and miss business and by taking this chance we buy a lot of product that we end up throwing out at the end of the day. We discard approximately 100 boxes of books annually at a 100% write off. We also sell a lot of product. It is on this basis that we gauge the price we offer for books and try and come up with a median price which reflects the value of the sellers books and our our necessary need to make a sufficient profit to stay in business. It is a very inexact science and we do our best to weigh both sides of the coin. The reality of the situation is there is no great money to be made in either selling or buying used books and if top dollar is your goal in selling your books you should attempt to do so privately or online through an auction house.
4. If a book is considered rare we try and pay a commiserate price in relation its rarity and demand. Remember this is P.E. I. and what we pay for and sell books for is reflected in that fact.
5. Trading books is part of our business. Any book you bring in will have a trade value placed on it and you will be given that credit on other books. Generally there is no restriction on what books you can take in trade. We do however only give credit for paperback fiction if that is what you are bringing in to us.
6. After 7 days any books left in the store and not picked up by the customer become the property of the store and we have a right to discard them at our discretion. We do this not so we can get your books for nothing but to keep our store a neat as possible. There are a great number of persons who drop books off at the store and never return for them for weeks , months, or not at all. If we do not have a discard policy in place we have been and would continue to be overwhelmed by the general publics discarded books. This policy places the onus on the owner of the books to be responsible for them or lose them.
7. You cannot leave any books we do not buy at the store. We do not have garbage pickup by the city like a homeowner does. We do try and buy anything we remotely think we an sell and give the customer some value for it.
We thank you for your business and try and do the right thing by our customers.
Thank you for your patronage at The Bookman, Charles M Mills, Prop.
© The Bookman Prince Edward Island, All Rights Reserved.